Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Reflection on Oral Presentation

My team mates and I prepared our slides few days before the presentation. We reviewed and commented on each other’s slides for any mistakes before rehearsal. We have the luxury of having several rehearsals before the presentation and it helps in familiarizing me with the flow of presentation. I prepared supplementary slides as I foreseen that the audience might need me to clarify some of the parts in a clearer way, which I thought I would not be able to do it during the 5-minute presentation due to time constraint.

For this oral presentation, I believe I appeared to be less nervous. I refrained myself from reading out from the cue cards, unlike my peer teaching session. Although my speech was not really very smooth, I have more eye contact with the audience and was able to pay attention to and observe their response and facial expressions. I was focused during Q and A session, and was able to answer questions tactfully with my team mates.

As I am a more Mandarin speaking person, my English proficiency has to be improved. I tried to be persuasive and assertive in giving speech and answering questions as well as to end the presentation memorably, but my speech could be more fluent and impressive if I improve on this area.

The non verbal cues that I transmitted during the presentation could also be better. Although I feel my gestures, expression and enthusiasm were better this time, there is still room for improvement. Probably because I am very introverted since young, I used to be more rigid when I am standing in front of the audience.

Use of slideware
We tried to use simple layout so as to keep our slides easy to be digested. Fancy layouts were minimized to avoid disturbance to graphs in the slides. I was really bad at handling the “clicker” and it must be distracting to the audience during my presentation. However, I carried on explaining to them without the slides while my supportive team mates were busy solving the problem for me at the back. After all, the slides are supposed to aid my presentation or my speech, but they should not be the main focus (I hope).

All in all, I did improve on some of the areas that I discovered and Ms. Lim pointed out after peer teaching but I believe I still need to improve on those areas. I feel that our presentation was generally okay and it is certainly an invaluable experience.


  1. Hello Mei!

    I think that you have done well by preparing those supplementary slides. They could certainly been of help to you if you were asked to clarify your section.

    In my opinion, you could have pause during the technical glitch. While I agree that the presentation slides are not supposed to be the main focus, they are there to ensure that the audience can follow your presentation. During the technical glitch, I was a slightly lost for a moment.

    It is good that you have reflected and realized that there are certain areas that you can improve on. But overall, I felt that you have appeared more confident compared to the peer teaching presentation. Good job there!

    Kai Liang

  2. Hi Kai Liang, thanks for your comment!

    I thought of having a pause during the technical glitch but I decided to carry on then due to time constraint. I think I should avoid having this problem in the future by trying out the "clicker" until I get it before the presentation.

    Thank you for your compliment on my improvement, but I think I still have a lot more to improve on =)

  3. Hi Mei!

    Now I have the chance to see you presenting from the audience point of view! haha

    I think you have carried yourself very well during the presentation. You have also delivered the points across well. You appeared calm and confident throughout, and I could follow your pace comfortably. So, I would say you have done a good job overall.

    As for the glitch, I agree with you to continue despite the screen not showing the correct slides since you have very limited time. And as you said, you should be the focus and not the slides. That said, I feel there should be a way to divert the audience attention back to you rather than leaving them confused with the slides. Otherwise, it looked as if you were not aware of the glitch.

    But I still could not suggest what most effective way one should adopt when encountering such an issue! haha! Surely i will get back to you once I know it... ;)


  4. Hey Yohan,

    Thanks for your suggestion! I think you are right, I should divert the audience's attention from the slides back to me, rather than leaving them feeling confused. Will try to improve on this area in the future :)

    p/s: I find it interesting to see you presenting from a different point of view too!

  5. Hi Mei!

    Congrats on completing oral presentation! :)

    I really enjoyed your part of the presentation because you appeared calm and enthusiastic about your presentation! You were also constantly flashing us smiles which I felt made your presentation more engaging and pleasant to listen to.

    Regarding your technical glitch, I felt that you handled it well because you were composed and continued with your presentation. However, like Yohan has pointed out, for a moment I was unsure if you knew that the slides were off. Perhaps you could briefly apologise and then continue with your presentation - this would inform your audience that you were aware of the technical glitch but could still present your part with confidence and composure. :)

    Good job Mei! :D


  6. Hi Qian Wen,

    Thank you for your suggestion! Through this presentation and feedback from you all, I am more aware of how I present myself and how to improve on this area. :)


  7. Hey Mei!

    Oral presentation is finally over, hooray! Hahaha :) Like what Yohan said, I also could finally watch you present as an audience!

    I thought your presentation was good as I can remember myself smiling and nodding along as you presented your ideas. You smiled appropriately and it gave the presentation a more relaxing feel. Also, you look great when you smile! I think I did not smile when I presented because I was nervous but it was great that you did :)

    However, I thought your slides could be more colourful because there were no colours or pictures which made the visual aids pretty boring after a while. This is just my opinion, you can take it into consideration in the future! :)

    Best regards,

  8. Hi Sam,

    Thanks for your feedback! :) Yea, I thought my slides were too simple, especially after I saw presentation slides from different groups. Will try to improve in the future! :)


  9. Hello Mei :)

    Like what the rest have said, I remember you for your smile :D It was great that you smiled at appropriate times, it certainly helped give a more relaxed atmosphere. It made me feel like it was more of a sharing session, and not merely a presentation.

    I noticed that the way you held your cue cards restricted your gestures somehow, even though you did not refer to them too much.

    Also, I do agree with Qianwen's suggestion with regards to dealing with the technical glitch. It would have helped if you showed that you were aware of it, as it would bring the focus to you :)


  10. Hi Amelia,

    Thank you for your comment! :) Yea, I noticed I couldn't gesture much too because I was holding the cue cards during oral presentation as well as peer teaching. :D I will keep a conscious lookout on this aspect~

    Good luck for your exams!
